Monday, June 29, 2009

The Numbers of Infinity

While watching “Bones” this evening, I heard a quote from the title character. She said, “There is no singular event...infinity goes in both directions.” The first part of that statement is true*. The second should instead be “Infinity goes in all directions.”

*Actually, it's more true to say that every event is singular: it's the type of event that will reoccur.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life, Worth Living

This is about the fullness of existence. There are many things in life and the universe. They seem good or bad, but that is only our perception. Reality is, and we, or our genetic and cultural programming, choose how to view it.

Regardless, we are "inside our eyes". We are individually responsible for living the life we want to have. I have failed at this. I have made small, hesitant steps. I have done some things others in my family and friends have not dared to do, but I have not gone far enough. I have not been brave enough, true enough to myself. This changes now.

Thoreau said "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." I will go to the grave, as we all will. But I will make the most of that time. Don't expect a lot of philosophical whining here, as I have found that it is too easy to substitute talk for life. Just expect life, with the pedal held to the floor.